The fiscal outlook in
Spain: Gradual consolidation

Letter from the Editors

Fintech sector

Eurozone forecasts 2017-2018: Recovery
gains momentum but with worrisome country disparities

The eurozone recovery gains traction. However, cross country divergence is becoming more pronounced, weakening the sustainability of the single currency in the ...

Fintech sector

Spanish economic growth exceeds
expectations, but persistent debt burden poses risks

Spain’s economic growth this year is exceeding expectations and the outlook for next year remains positive. To maintain this momentum, domestic issues, ...

Fintech sector

Spain’s fiscal consolidation path: Slow but steady

After several upward revisions to original targets, the Spanish general government complied with EU deficit targets for 2016. Analysts are largely optimistic ...

Fintech sector

Spain’s 2017 Budget:
Lacking reforms to meet the deficit target

Even though the State looks set to have a hard time meeting ambitious deficit targets this year, the expected overall overshoot is likely to be small, thanks ...

Fintech sector

Spanish private debt dynamics:
Indebtedness and debt service in a European context

The deleveraging efforts of Spanish households and corporates has helped to bring down debt levels as a percent of GDP, as well as the debt servicing burden ...

Fintech sector

Wage moderation
in Spain’s economic recovery

Following a period of severe job destruction throughout the crisis years, since 2014, the Spanish economy has maintained a consistent pace of job creation. ...

Fintech sector

Spain’s banking and
insurance sectors: A contrasting story

Both the Spanish banking and insurance sectors have seen a major improvement in solvency over the last decade. In terms of profitability, however, the ...

Fintech sector

Shadow banking:
Spain in the global context

The scale of shadow banking in Spain remains limited and has traditionally been contained by regulation and supervision. However, the proliferation of non-bank ...

Regulation and Economic Outlook
Recent key developments in
the area of Spanish financial regulation
Prepared by the Regulation and Research Department of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA)
Spanish economic forecasts panel: July 2017
Funcas Economic Trends and Statistics Department
Key Facts
Economic indicators
Financial system indicators