Letter from the Editors

Letter from the Editors

Fintech sector

Credit, deleveraging, and financial savings: Balancing adjustment and recovery in Spain

Spain is among the countries having made most progress on deleveraging since 2010. Debt reduction efforts are expected to be compatible with private sector ...

Fintech sector

Post-restructuring challenges for the Spanish banking sector

In the wake of the crisis, Spanish banks have become more solvent and returned to profitability. However, unique macroeconomic conditions, especially the ...

Fintech sector

The new SME finance landscape: The rise of alternatives to bank lending

SME access to multiple and stable sources of finance has become essential for fostering growth and investment in Europe after the crisis. To this end, one of ...

Fintech sector

Unit labour costs and the evolution of the Spanish manufacturing industry between 2000 and 2014

Although Spain´s manufacturing sector suffered cost-competitiveness losses throughout the growth phase and early years of the crisis, falling wages ...

Fintech sector

The internationalisation of the Spanish economy: Progress, limitations and best practices

Spanish exports of goods and services over recent years grew at a rate comparable only to Europe´s leading major exporters. However, the level of ...

Fintech sector

Changes in the structure and composition of public-sector employment during the crisis

Following a period of growth from 2007-2011, public sector employment cuts, in part driven by fiscal consolidation efforts, brought employee levels back in ...

Fintech sector

The consequences of graduating in a recession in Spain

Rigidities in Spain´s labour market appear to increase the negative impact on workers´ earnings for those entering the market in times of ...

Regulation and Economic Outlook
Recent key developments
in the area of Spanish financial regulation
Prepared by the Regulation and Research Department of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA)
Spanish economic forecasts panel: November 2015
FUNCAS Economic Trends and Statistics Department
Key Facts
Economic indicators
Financial system indicators