Spain: Assessing real estate and credit markets ahead of an anticipated slowdown

Letter from the Editors

Housing market

The Spanish housing market:
Current situation and short-term outlook

While growth in the Spanish housing market is starting to slow, data show little evidence supporting that a real estate bubble is set to burst. In the ...

Risk assessment

Spain’s current slowdown:
Reduced real estate and financial risks

The Spanish economy is entering a period of slower growth compared to the rate of expansion experienced in recent years. Nevertheless, close analysis ...

Private-sector bonds

Momentum in bond
placement by the Spanish private sector

Spanish private-sector bond issuance in 2019 has already surpassed 2018 levels, underpinned by low sovereign yields and credit spreads. Especially noteworthy ...

Coco market

CoCos (AT1) versus capital
(CET1) at Spanish and European banks

CoCos have proven to be popular instruments among banks to raise tier 1 capital and for investors in search of yields. However, the dichotomous structure ...

Bank internationalisation

Spanish banks: Benefits of
international exposure and geographic diversification

Spanish banks’ increased exposure to foreign markets has helped them offset the pain associated with the recent financial crisis and downward trajectory ...

Spanish internationalisation

Opening up of the Spanish economy:
Recent performance and pending reforms

Economic growth in Spain has been accompanied by a marked increase in trade and openness. Nevertheless, there are challenges associated with the ...

Regulation and Economic Outlook
Recent key developments
in the area of Spanish financial regulation
Prepared by the Regulation and Research Department of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA)
Spanish economic
forecasts panel: November 2019
Funcas Economic Trends and Statistics Department
Key Facts
Economic Indicators
Financial System Indicators
Social Indicators